Socializing is the foundation on which human societies are based. The strength of this stone decides not just your happiness, but also your existence. Being able to improve social skills can bring about big difference between mere existence and living. If socializing would have been such a breeze, many would have been spared the unpleasant tags of loners and recluses. Does that mean you, who are bad at socializing, will forever remain bad at it? Certainly not, well, not unless you decide for yourself that things will never change. If you have decided that you have had enough of finding yourself the odd one out everywhere you go, then there are a few things that you should do with immediate effect.
If you are one of those people who always wait for someone to initiate a conversation, then it is high time you quit the habit and initiated a tête-à-tête yourself. You will be surprised to see the response this change in approach will bring.
Even as initiating a conversation is important, also remember that socializing does not always involve speaking. In fact your most powerful weapon in any form of socializing is your smile. Not only will the use of it cause no harm to the receiver, it tips the scale heavily in your favour too.
People like to talk about themselves. So what you can do to appear acceptable is to listen. Remember it is listening, and not hearing that matters. Listening to people will help you gain their confidence. It will help you understand the person better and also provide material for later conversations. A good listener will have listeners later.
It is difficult to talk with people about subjects which you do not have a clue. The conversation will become a tedious affair for both you and the other person. It is, therefore, important that you find similar interests so that the conversation takes place on a common ground wherein both of you can contribute adequately if not equally.
If you are at a party or any other social events, it is quite probable that there might be a lot of distractions. If you are in a conversation with a person, make sure you give that person your undivided attention. Maintaining eye contact is an important aspect of any conversation.
As much as we would like to not judge people without knowing them well and vice versa, it is a fact that there are only a few of us who can actually stop ourselves from doing it. It is practically impossible to put off judgments about others.
People like talking with someone who is comfortable being himself. Do not try pretending that you are someone else, it simply does not work. Be yourself and be comfortable with that. You might not impress everyone, but it surely is better than trying to impress someone by acting someone else but yourself.
A golden rule of socializing that should be kept in mind is that no matter how much you try and improve on your shortcomings, there will remain people with whom you will get no further than casual acquaintance. But hey, is that even a problem? Not everyone can get along with everyone, and that is what makes socializing so very interesting.
Socializing with people is an easy yet intricate affair. It is a lot like walking in to a strange room and trying out the electrical switches. Some will help you with what you want, while others will be as useless as anything else. There is no harm in trying them out, but they will not bring the desired results. But such an experience surely will help you.
While there are surely more ways to socialize and improve social skills, the bases for all of those methods lie in these few intricacies. Get them right.
Lynn is a graduate of Class of 2019 in the Post Graduate Programme in PR & Corporate Communications at School of Communications & Reputation, Mumbai. She is a Bachelor of Commerce from St. Agnes College, Mangalore. Her passion for marketing & communications drove her towards the field of Public Relations. She believes in turning her dreams into reality by accepting challenges and accomplishing them efficiently.
Lynn completed her internship with Edelman, Mumbai in the healthcare vertical. She was recruited by MSL, Mumbai at the end of her programme.
She can be reached at @LynnMisq and as Lynn Misquith on LinkedIn