Blogs are the most cost-effective way to voice an opinion in today’s time and money. It is the best medium to connect with one’s various stakeholders. In the generation of smartphones and social media, blogs too are magnificent mechanisms for exposure. These mediums essentially govern the lives of those in the spotlight. According to the estimation of Business Insider, almost 150k new websites and 7m new pages are added to the Internet every day.
There has been a gradual change. We moved from the letter writing days to mail days. With more advancement in technology, we shifted from mail to short messages. And somewhere in between all the hustle and bustle, the magic of letter writing died. I still remember the way my grandfather spent hours, trying to hone my letter writing skills. To see that, the art has died, would have indeed made him a sad man.
For me, blogs are the modern version of letter writing. It’s the tool with which you connect with the outside world. Professionally, for a brand, it can be a tool for highlighting their products, features and new launches. Also, blogs are a much less expensive way of announcing a new product versus a costly advertising campaign. It can be a tool with which brands can solve customer issues too.
In today’s world, we hardly have time for someone else. We all are self-centric humans at the end of the day. There are times when we feel low but have no shoulder to rest our heads on. It is in times like that blogs can come handy. Thousands of people use blogs to write about their bad days. People can rant out their emotions to the outside world under an anonymous name too. Also, writing a blog makes one feel like an author.
The demand for blogs is vast as it reaches anywhere in the world. The reach however can be dangerous as it can be misused too.
– Riya Sarkar
Riya is a student of the Class of 2018 of the Post Graduate Programme in Public Relations at SCoRe (who volunteered at the We The Women Summit). She has completed her Masters in English Literature from St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata. She can be reached at Riya Sarkar on LinkedIn and @sarkarriya_92 on Twitter.