We are proud to declare that Class of 2020 have collectively written in the year 2019 over 1000 blog posts in 130 days and still counting. Some of the best blog posts of 2019 covers various topics – from brand analysis to social issues, from international affairs to the economy And a whole lot on PR & Communications.
PR is synonymous to creativity. Public relations by its very nature requires people to think out of the box. From strategic communications, research, writing, campaign development, social integration to event planning- everything in PR is a part of the creative process…
– Dikshita Kaushik
Communicators need to connect brands with their customers and amplify their experience. At the end of it all, message needs to be simple, connect with customers and has a human value to it…
-Kritika Khatwani
YouTube is known for its videos and channels on almost every kind of visual content that has sound but one trend that is emerging and growing is ASMR. Several YouTubers cater to ASMR videos and have millions of followers and subscribers. Prominent newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post have covered and published articles on ASMR and its techniques. It has gained momentum on many social media platforms that have a huge following and practitioners as well.
-Nafisa Jalal
Gillette and The Man Company have made their way out from the clutter of content successfully and have made their mark. So, the purpose is a major differentiating factor today among brands and if they can crack the purpose they should stand for they will always be a step ahead from their competitors..
– Saloni Ginnare
Millennial, Gen Z, etc are the terms given to a specific generation based on their demographics. These terms have now become a way of stereotyping a generation’s personality, behaviour, and beliefs which are not necessarily true. In this blog I explore on different stereotypes given to millennial and the truth in them.
-Sakshi Jain
Our country is undergoing various situations, namely economic slope down, flooding of cities and villages, complete chaos in universities and not to forget- the negative influence of media. Today’s blog is focused on how media houses are busy influencing citizens as to who’s the ‘rock star’ and who’s the ‘pappu’ of the nation
-Alisha Shireen
Living in Mumbai for the past 21 years I have been exposed to various cultures. Mumbai is a city where people from different state migrate to. A city that represents all the 29 states. A city where no one is discriminated against for their culture as Gujarati or Tamilian or a Mallu, we all usually call ourselves as Mumbaikars. But have we ever thought about the students from various states that migrate for educational purposes trying to chase their dreams in this congested city?
– Anjana Kallat
Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman, in their article, talk about how media serves as a tool to the political elite. They discuss how the state machinery, monopolistic control over the media, and official censorship enables the former. They also say that in the countries where there is no former control over the media, there exists a competitive media circle. According to Chomsky and Herman, this makes the analysis and the critique done by the media questionable. This is the essence of the ‘propaganda model’ given by Chomsky and Herman…
-Trupti Dhamija
Transgenders should be allowed to receive proper education, jobs and also a law to protect them from harassment. We should understand that every human being is unique in their way. One shouldn’t judge, discriminate or behave badly with them as every individual has got equal rights. There are some who amidst all these are brave enough to achieve their goals, stand-out and break the stereotype…
-Neha Goyal
Creativity is inevitable in Public Relations, without it the main goal to reach audiences and build an image for your clients is not going to work. A blend of creativity, curiosity, storytelling and emotional connect added with the modern world of technology, all the different mediums, options and interactive platforms is what makes for great PR campaigns…
-Lakhshita Singh
Health is the biggest asset that you have, your ignorance can turn it into a liability. Everyone aspires to have a healthy life, but do we put in efforts to achieve it?
-Vishnupriya Modi
I love rains and you have never given me that. So, when I set out for the city of dreams which also is the city of rain, apparently, I thought I would fall in love with it. Turns out, I haven’t and now to think about it, I don’t even like the round-the-clock rain. Aren’t we funny?
-Baishali Banerjee
Capitalistic ownership can mean two things: one is that the owners control the production and second is their income comes from the ownership of their asset itself. Through these ways they gain profit. However, in order to succeed capitalism requires a free market. The borders between nations are blurring today and globalization is taking place. There are several ways through which a nation attempts to sell its products. One of these ways is ‘cute capitalism’.
-Niharika Dowerah
We all have grown up listening to super hero stories. At least people born in 90’s can relate to the stories of super heroes. But, I was never told stories about super heroes. I have only seen ‘Shaktiman’ in television long back. I really don’t believe in the concept of super hero. But, God has gifted me the super-hero of my life, my mom. I have narrated a story of my super-hero in this blog.
-Chandrayee Mukherjee
Yes, thousands and thousands of tourists go to a place and leave a lot of plastic trash behind. They interrupt wildlife and destroy nature for their own selfish needs. It is known as overtourism.
– Tamanna Singh
RCEP, which is known as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Platform, is a free trade agreement between the 10 members of ASEAN countries and FTA partners, which are – China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand. It’s been in the news lately as India opted to stay out from the pact.
-Anurag Sharma
I don’t know why but I’m weirdly attracted to the color red not only because it’s a pretty color but because how different it can mean to different people on different occasions.
-Snigdha parasrampuria
How workplace environment can affect your life in mental and physical manner?
-Pratham Gala
Brands have been around for many decades in this country, but it is only at the present time that there is conscious consumption of quality amongst masses beyond the crème de la crème.
– Udita Mehta
This Year PRAXIS- turns 8 and the celebration was in GOA. It is the world’s largest festival of Reputation Management professionals (also known as Public Relations practitioners). This year the theme for PRAXIS 8th edition was Building Trust at the core of Public Relation.
-Ikra Khan
Interesting read – Tips on Writing Blogs that Rock