Around this time of the year a lot of undergraduate students must be looking out for options on higher education. Besides choosing the discipline that’s right for them, the most common thought is – should I go for a one year post graduation course with specialised study or a two year masters programme.
The answer will vary depending on your interests and talents; but our recommendation is to go for a one year post graduation course or programme. Here are some reasons why:
What you know today may become obsolete five years from now and what you might be doing a decade later has not been invented yet. That’s the reality of the fast changing world in which we live and work – nothing is permanent. So there’s a good chance that you may have to learn specialised skillsets throughout your career
Changing skills means that you will have to keep learning, instead of relying on your post graduate education to keep helping you forever. Those days are gone when getting a degree and then a master’s/post graduation was enough. Today, regardless of age, professionals rely on continuous training and learning to stay relevant
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If it is likely that you will rely on continuous learning (and not a one-time post graduate education); you don’t want to invest too much time or money in one post graduation. For one thing, it may become a psychological barrier to go for another learning stint. But the more common drawback is getting your investment back.
Investing a lot in your post graduation can mean that the focus of your immediate years of working can be on getting returns on your expensive education. The focus becomes on building a bank balance rather than building a career. The goal of education is to empower you to do what you love not become a burden, so invest wisely.
Finally, if you’re not certain on where you want to start your career, a generic degree maybe the right choice for you. However if you’ve certain about what you want to do or where you want to start your career, the chances are that there are one year post graduate courses specifically offering that discipline. Going for such specific programmes can help you jump start your career therein, without many distractions
Overall, one year post graduation course typically tend to be lighter on financial obligations and allow for future studies options to remain open. It can truly let focus completely on your career in its early years.
Interesting read:- The learner in you
– This blog is a part of insights on Public Relations shared by SCoRe. Know more about what we do to spread PR Knowledge, and our Post Graduate Programme in Public Relations