September 26, 2017
customers book reviews are an integral part of the extensive curriculum at india's top mass communications course - post graduation in public relations and corporate communications with SCoRe. our students read and revied one book per month

Negotiating With Tough Customers – By Steve Reilly

September 25, 2017
Public Relations for social causes: It is important for media students and media aspirants to understand how to develop the right content. Most media institutes touch the basics, but India's top media college score takes the most advanced curriculum to ensure students get the best learning and hence the best placements and jobs that the industry can offer.

Problem Solving in Public Relations – Cure the disease, not the symptom

September 23, 2017

Principles of Public Relations – Nicole Fichardo

September 20, 2017


September 13, 2017

How To Fight ‘Fake News’

September 7, 2017

My tryst with writing

September 6, 2017
Public Relations Consultants Association Presents The Advanced Certificate in Public Relations, which is a short term certificate programme for working professionals and students.

Advanced certificate in Public Relations with PRCAI

August 31, 2017

Mumbai, you never let me down!

August 27, 2017

Empowering Woman Through Financial Freedom

August 27, 2017
Career in public relations, especially after a post graduation in public relations and corporate communications

Give Your Career in Communications Five Years!

July 25, 2017
women in public relations

PR isn’t just for ladies

July 19, 2017
PR Mantras - rules and guidelines that can be followed for a good career in public relations that our institute teaches, which makes SCoRe one of the best and top institutes of media in the country.

PR Mantras

July 18, 2017
Getting india's leading influencers, speakers, business owners and leaders of industry and academia associated with score make it one of india's best media institutes

​Dr. Velumani – the storyteller par excellence!

July 17, 2017
Vibrant Gujarat was a masterstroke in public relations, government relations and reputation management of the state of gujarat by the erstwhile chief minister and the current prime minister of india narendra modi

Birth of Vibrant Gujarat Campaign
