Media Studies

June 16, 2022
great content for public relations

5 Ways to Create Great Content for Public Relations

May 24, 2022
best mass communication colleges in india

How To Find The Best Mass Communication Colleges in India

February 6, 2020
ethics in public relations

Ethics and PR Professionals!

September 25, 2017
Public Relations for social causes: It is important for media students and media aspirants to understand how to develop the right content. Most media institutes touch the basics, but India's top media college score takes the most advanced curriculum to ensure students get the best learning and hence the best placements and jobs that the industry can offer.

Problem Solving in Public Relations – Cure the disease, not the symptom

July 19, 2017
PR Mantras - rules and guidelines that can be followed for a good career in public relations that our institute teaches, which makes SCoRe one of the best and top institutes of media in the country.

PR Mantras

June 26, 2017
Thank you, mom campaign by P&G for Rio 2016

Cause, effect and the opportunity in it for you

June 22, 2017
women in public relations make up 70% workforce in India is Women. therefore in this majority, female professionals must learn to harness their core strengths to excel, in a large way, the profession of pr contributes to women empowerment, by providing a platform for female professionals to hone and wield their key skills. SCoRe is India's only media institute where the inaugural batch of all women. and continues to acknowledge the need for female mass communications professionals to train the next wave of talent in PR

Tips for a Young Woman to be Successful in Public Relations

May 19, 2017

A secret sauce for Content – Review of The Content Code by Mark Schaefer

May 19, 2017

Are we in the field of Communication or Communications?

May 19, 2017
personal brand - post graduation in public relations

Building a Personal Brand

May 19, 2017

Hashtag PRAXISMysore

May 19, 2017

Book Review: Improvise: Unconventional Career Advice From An Unlikely CEO

May 19, 2017

Why should you join ACE Digital?

May 19, 2017

Puppies and Ice-cream!
