October 22, 2017

Cure the disease not the symptom

October 17, 2017

How can a startup generate talkability?

October 15, 2017

Earned Influence and the Power of Integration

October 13, 2017
Score is india's top institute of public relations post graduation, with the best placement record and the best curriculum and training mechanism.

What PR Education Today Needs

October 13, 2017
Advertising and Public Relations

Becoming an Outstanding Public Relations Professional

October 9, 2017

Krispy Kreme’s Pre-Launch Campaign

October 7, 2017
Social PR is the way to harness the power of socila and digital media influencers in public relations and corporate communications. as the india's top course in public relations and corproate communications, score's PG programme gets the best faculty from across the globe to cover these concepts.

Masterclass on Social PR

October 6, 2017
people from all backgrounds can build a career in Public relations with the right education at the right institute. whether its mass communications degrees, or finance and accounting or engineering or anything else. If you are interested in PR, India's best institute of public relations and corporate communications - SCoRe is the place to be

The leap from Accounts to Public Relations!

October 5, 2017

Four Steps for Effective Communication

October 4, 2017

Media Tracking in Public Relations!

October 3, 2017

Rise Of Video Podcasts In India

September 28, 2017

Elevator Pitch – What, Where and How?

September 27, 2017

Public Relations in Wedding Planning

September 26, 2017

Fearless Girl Campaign
